Summary Over thirty five years working as a professional trainer and facilitator Coach and advisor to Executives and CEO's across a range of sectors and industries - Senior Consultant with Leading Women ( delivering programmes on Gender Dynamics and Reverse Mentoring
- Programme Director with CLS ( for the UNICEF Global Management Masterclasses
Innovator in the area of successful, cost-effective and informal learning processes within organisations Author, lecturer, keynote speaker and successful screen-writer. Creative force behind a range of learning simulations, podcasts, video ‘triggers’ and web seminars. Respected advisor and facilitator in the area of global team building and cross-cultural leadership Sparked and nurtured innovation-focussed, Action Learning programmes in over two dozen organisations in three countries
 Developing Talent PricewaterhouseCoopers Academies in Eastern Europe and the CIPD Faculty member for the Mini MBA programme, Delivering Masterclasses on Talent Retention, the Evaluation of HR and on Measuring the Effectiveness of Learning and Development, as part of PwC's innovative partnership with the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 
Developing Global Teams for Korn Ferry I have been priviledged to be invited to work with colleagues from Korn Ferry on the design and delivery of a Global Leadership and Management Programme for The Economist (including its affiliate magazines in the US). Also delivered Global Team Building programme for AT Keraney, Shell and Dell. Organisational Learning and Development Working closely with the Directorate of Human Resources for the Council of Europe, I am providing specialist advice in the area of Talent development and learning evaluation. This involves: - Designing and delivering a cost-effective and relevant appraisal process for managers
- Defining and supervising the implementation of several talent development programmes aimed at specific categories of staff; and
- Evaluating the provision of coaching and recommending best practice
To view my most recent CV, please visit my LinkedIn page. |